Friday 25 October 2013

LOVE- A Purest Feeling

LOVE.. a feeling of being drunk in someone else's wine. 
One of the most happiest thing in a person's life but yet painful and still people search for it.
Everyone one of us at some point of time have been in love or atleast felt that we are in love. But is this really love?
People generally think of infatuation or attraction as love and this so called Love is given a name of a relation. This relation glorifies in the beginning and soon the flair is gone. People get hurt, relations finish and hearts are felt as heartbroken. Is this what love is? Is getting hurt a part of love? Well, the answer is surely NO.

When a person is in love or feels love for someone then it is one of the purest feelings which stays with the person forever.
This is a feeling in which the happiness of someone is all that matters, even if it is the not the other way round. 
This is a feeling of giving for someone with all your might, even if you don't get anything in return.
This is a feeling when only the smile on that person's face can make your heart smile.
Now the question arises, Is love selfish? Is it possible to Love only to give? So, the answer is surely YES.
True love is something that never wants anything except that the other person should be happiest state of mind.
Love is the most amazing feeling in the world and also the hardest to be felt.

Realizing it in my own life, I can conclude by saying- "Reward of every true love is not love… But it surely is a great feel...!! "


  1. People are confuse in between Love and attraction.. This blog gives some idea what is love... Nice work Surbhi..

  2. luv iz actully unconditionl feeling.... wen we jst carried awy...n it occupies sweet space in our heart... :) :)

    1. Very well said dear. Unconditional is a perfect adjective for Love.
